3d audio agency equipment of headphones hanging on a microphone

What makes my 3D audio agency unique?


    In today’s world of audio entertainment, sound is more than just audio. It’s an immersive experience that transports us to another world and evokes emotion. 3D Audio is the key to this fascinating world of sound, and the importance of it cannot be underestimated.

    As one of the only experts in the German-speaking world who can offer agency services in 3D audio, I, Martin Rieger, understand the importance of sound even beyond three dimensions. While most audio studios limit themselves to editing, I go one step further. For this, I advise on the potential beforehand in the creative and technical concept and accompany the productions until completion.

    In this article, we will discover together how 3D audio agencies can mix, shape and transform sound better than traditional recording studios to create a unique and immersive listening experience. Welcome to the world of 3D audio and its endless possibilities.

    What is 3D Audio?

    3D Audio is a revolutionary approach to the world of sound that fundamentally changes the way we experience audio content. In its essence, it is an audio technology innovation that allows sounds to be perceived with spatial precision, creating an immersive listening experience. This is where most studios start going on about Dolby Atmos and other technology in the text. But let’s not let any products spoil the fun of working with spatial sound waves. I am an artist somewhere, but first and foremost a hands-on engineer! The key is the combination of creativity and technology.

    Explanation of 3D Audio and its immersive nature

    3D audio is an advanced audio technology that reproduces sound in a three-dimensional space. Unlike traditional stereo sound, where sound comes from two directions, 3D Audio allows you to precisely position sound sources in space. This means that you hear sound not only from the left and right, but also from above, below, and around you. It’s as if you’re in the middle of the action. You can then experience all of this through a set of speakers or regular headphones.

    Differences between conventional and 3D audio

    The main difference between conventional stereo sound and 3D audio is in the perception of space. While conventional stereo sound is actually one-dimensional, delivering sound only from the left and right, 3D audio opens up a third dimension by distributing the sound throughout the physical spaces in room. This results in an immersive experience where the listener feels like they are part of the soundscape. 3D audio allows for deep immersion in music, film, or radio drama and opens up entirely new possibilities for creative audio content.

    We humans have always been used to hearing our surroundings in three dimensions with just two ears. Now, thanks to the right technology and experience, we can also use “Spatial” this sound impression for audio production. In the following chapters, we will dive deeper into this technology and understand how 3D audio agencies use this revolutionary spatial audio technology to produce and create stunning audio content.

    Services of a 3D Audio Agency

    In this chapter, we’ll take an in-depth look at the various tasks a 3D audio agency performs that go beyond traditional audio production to create an immersive audio experience. There are a lot of questions that come up right at the beginning with my clients who “want to do something with 3D audio”. My team and I will guide them through the different environments to achieve their goals.

    Consulting and concept development

    Why professional consulting is critical.

    The world of 3D audio can be complex. Yet before you even think about doing any recording or production, we start with professional consulting. With the right processes in place, we can find the solutions that make your life easier. The experts at the agency understand the intricacies of 3D audio and can help clients develop the best approaches for their needs.

    Developing customized 3D audio concepts for clients.

    Every project is unique, and a 3D audio agency can develop custom concepts that meet the client’s needs and goals. From sound design to space utilization, a good consultation process lays the foundation for a successful 3D audio project. It’s no use dubbing something with 3D audio or Dolby Atmos just because you can. Many music producers simply don’t have the right information here.

    Recording: Immersive sound capture

    The role of an agency in recording 3D audio content

    Recording 3D audio requires specialized knowledge and high-quality equipment. 3D audio agencies have the expertise and technology to capture immersive sound experiences. They are able to capture sound in its full depth, creating a unique listening experience. This is where it gets nerdy for the sound engineer, but don’t worry, we tame the machines and know which region plays the best music.

    Use of high-quality equipment in specialized recording rooms

    The quality of the recording is crucial to the final sound experience. We invest in high-quality equipment with microphones as well as mobile recording units and specially designed recording rooms to ensure that every sound is recorded at its best. This means it can be at events or radio productions around the world, or in our recording room. This commitment to quality makes all the difference in the world of 3D audio.

    Post-production and mixing in the recording studio

    How Agencies Perfect 3D Sound Experiences in Mastering

    The real magic of 3D audio often unfolds in post-production and mixing. This is where 3D audio agencies like mine take recorded sound and refine it into an immersive experience. By using advanced technology and recording techniques, they can precisely place sounds and create a panorama or environment of sound that surrounds the listener. They also like to say about sound design, “This is where the Magic happens”

    Use of advanced technology and recording techniques

    In post-production and mixing, the sky is the limit. Thanks to modern technology, AI-powered sound effects, and extensive libraries of stock music, agencies can already achieve impressive results. We live an unconventional approach that likes to break with the normal to create an outstanding experience.

    However, this is where the true power of custom composition comes into play. While AI and stock music often offer a cost-effective and time-efficient solution, custom compositions and bespoke songwriting can open up unique creative possibilities. They give projects a distinctive character and allow you to take emotional depth and atmosphere to your story to a higher level.

    Why book a 3D audio agency?

    In this chapter, we will highlight the reasons why it makes sense to hire a 3D audio agency and how this decision can impact the success of your brand and projects. For all contact requests, we first check internally if and how we can help the customer.

    We strongly disagree with Dolby’s approach that 3D will replace stereo as marketed for Apple Music. For us it will be exciting to create a Spatial example, made in Germany, that would not have worked in stereo. Most people just want to bluntly sell their services. We have no interest in doing that. BUT, if the use case fits, the following advantages will come into play:

    Director expertise and experience.

    The advantages of experts in 3D audio

    3D audio is a highly specialized discipline that requires expertise. For years, I have gained knowledge and experience like probably no one else, working on projects and attending international conferences all over the world. There is no technical literature except the ones I have designed and taught myself or shared on social media.

    How experience makes the difference

    Experience matters when it comes to creating 3D audio content. VRTonung has successfully completed numerous projects and knows how to get the best results. Their experience leads to high-quality and impressive soundscapes. Just take a look at my portfolio and see for yourself – probably no one in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland can boast so many immersive audio productions.

    Technological Resources

    The importance of advanced tools and software

    The world of audio technology is constantly evolving. We are always on the cutting edge of technology, using advanced tools and software to create immersive audio experiences. These resources are critical to the quality of the results.

    Access to innovative technologies that exploit all possibilities.

    Through a wide variety of collaborations in the research field, as well as with hardware companies and software manufacturers, we have access to the latest innovations in the audio world. For this, Martin Rieger is also a lecturer in demand at dozens of universities.

    Efficiency and time saving

    We are highly specialized and efficient in their work. We know the best practices and can execute projects smoothly. This results in increased efficiency and streamlined production. We mean full service in the same way. From day one, you can rest assured that your project is in the best of ends from start to finish, and your ears will be glad to listen and hear it. With an expertise that is second to none.

    Cost optimization in recording studios

    Why working with an agency pays off

    Although the entire process of working with a 3D audio agency is of course not free, it pays off in the long run. The quality of the results, the efficiency and the avoidance of expensive mistakes make the investment worthwhile. Very often we see productions that pat themselves on the back, but don’t actually make sense as an immersive project.

    Avoiding costly mistakes with professional services

    Mistakes in 3D audio production can be costly and jeopardize the success of a project. By hiring an agency, you minimize the risk of mistakes and ensure that your projects run smoothly and achieve the desired results.

    References and successes

    In this chapter, we will look at some successful projects where the support of our agency services from the creative and technical Director played a critical role. These case studies illustrate how 3D audio was used in various applications and the impact it had on the results.

    Case studies of successful projects

    From marketing campaigns to immersive theater and radio dramas, the results speak for themselves and illustrate the value 3D audio agencies can add. When the topic of sound is considered from the very beginning and is not seen as a nice-to-have.

    Examples of successful projects:

    • Destiny's Ride - DKMS (3D Audio Experience): DKMS used immersive sound in marketing to convey emotions and move people. 3D audio played a crucial role in this moving experience.
    • Holy Bitch Project - Immersive Theater: This project asked how 3D sound could be used when the entire audience was wearing headphones. The solution overcame many limitations of traditional stereo sound and led to a reinvention of storytelling in theater
    • Audi ASMR8D: A commercial for Audi’s new R8 that made use of ASMR and 8D technology combined. Here the tingling noises from the car exterior and interior. Then feel the speed with the spatial 3D recordings I made
    • Sounds of Germany (Immersive 3D Audio Online Marketing Kampagne): How does Germany sound in 3D audio and how can this inspire tourism? This project accompanied the campaign from inception to launch and showed how 3D audio can open up a whole new dimension of marketing.

    Yet there’s more

    VRTonung pretty much drives home the fact that everyone talks about “immersive spatial audio.” Although they really only mean 3D music. So something a producer does with the songs of a band, just somehow to sound “better” than in stereo. Why other laws apply in our control room is explained here:

    In addition to the projects already mentioned, my agency’s influence extends to a wide range of immersive media. Whether it’s radio plays that immerse listeners in exciting soundscapes, or sound experiences without visuals that rely on the power of sound. We are also active in the fields of music, film, TV and video, designing the sound experience in gaming and interactive applications, diving into the worlds of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR) and working on solutions in the field of Spatial Computing. This wide range of applications illustrates the diverse capabilities of 3D audio agencies and their ability to bring audiovisual projects to fruition in a wide variety of contexts.

    Conclusion – just hit me up

    If you are looking for exceptional sound design, high-quality recordings and innovative 3D audio concepts, the decision to book a 3D audio agency is a step in the right direction. Your project deserves the best, and we’re a little more than willing to deliver what your project deserves.

    If you’re also ready to take your audio project to the next level and explore the fascinating world of 3D audio, we invite you to a free initial consultation. Let’s discuss your project together and find out how we can turn your creative vision into a stunning sonic reality. Contact us today and discover the possibilities of 3D Audio!

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