
180 degree film – VR180 spatial video


    You don’t have to be a math genius to guess that 360° divided by 2 equals 180°. For VR videos, this means that the video no longer shows a whole sphere, but – surprisingly – a hemisphere.
    The clue with 180-degree videos: on a desktop device you can see the whole picture, while with the YouTube app on your smartphone you have the options to watch the video with the cardboard and it becomes immersive. In this case, the gyroscope is used, which enables a movement of the image as we know it from 360° videos, but limited to 180 degrees.

    OK, but why the whole/half thing?

    Well, as it turned out, and I can confirm this from my own experience, many new VR users simply look in one direction without turning around, but they move their heads in an upright position. This happens especially when they are neither standing nor sitting on a swivel chair. The field of view is usually around 90° to 110°, i. e. 180° is sufficient to move the head completely on a static seat without seeing the unattractive black edges at the end of the picture and generally not to miss out on the video, because most of the action will happen right in front of your nose.
    Oh yes, even though YouTube seems to be a pioneer with this new format – the 180-degree video has been around for quite some time (subtle hint to VR adult content 😉 )


    Of course, there is a lot to be said for this format: Since the image has only half as much information as at 360°, the double data volume (= quality) can be used with the same file size. Production is also simpler. You can work with light behind the camera again, the risk of errors in the image is lower and stitching in post-production is generally eliminated. Ideal for beginners who don’t want to be hit by the complete 360° effort.


    So far so good, 180 is not the new 360, it’s also critical to compare it at all (as it’s often done with 3D and 360° video). I didn’t have a 360° video production yet that would have worked as a 180° video. Conversely, one must ask oneself whether it makes any sense to scale a 180-degree video up to 360° if the most important part of the picture only takes a small portion of the picture.

    A big problem with VR videos is still nausea, which occurs especially with moving camera shots. Therefore 360° camera rigs are adjusted with great care. Now the first VR180 Cams are on the way – with which you can easily and casually film everything, holding the cam with your hand. Sounds nice, but if you want to see this shaky masterpiece on the cardboard in 3D, you should have a spit bag ready – but not a virtual one.

    Conclusion 1.0

    OK seriously, the disadvantages mentioned here are only disadvantages to a limited extent and depend on the use. I think the benefits outweigh, VR180 has its raison d’être and it is definitely a good idea to deal with 180-degree video in general.

    … and the sound?

    Legit question, that’s what this blog is about! Is there any spatial sound with ambisonics, as usual on YouTube, or does the sound remain static stereo? Maybe none of them either and a new standard is in the pipeline. I will deal with these points in more detail on occasion.

    That’s a few thoughts on the “little VR”, I’m curious to see how the format will develop further and will share some “groundbreaking innovations” on my blog as usual.

    Update 07/2024: New Immersive 3D Video for Apple Vision Pro

    A Look at User Reviews and the Future of Live Sports

    Apple recently released the new immersive 3D video 2023 MLS Cup Highlights for the Apple Vision Pro. The video promises an impressive 8K and 3D experience and aims to revolutionize how we perceive live sports events. But what do users say about this new experience? We took a closer look at the reviews and reports.

    A Promising Start

    The Apple Vision Pro, which was launched in new countries and regions on June 28, offers a range of innovative features, including the ability to watch immersive 3D videos. According to Apple , the new version of visionOS 2 is expected to bring new spatial computing experiences and allow users to immerse themselves even deeper into the virtual world.

    The highlight of the latest release is undoubtedly the 3D video “2023 MLS Cup Highlights.” This tech demo is designed to showcase what future sports broadcasts could look like. The ability to experience soccer matches in 8K and 3D has been described in numerous articles as a potential game-changer for live sports.

    Mixed User Reviews

    However, user opinions on the new 3D video are mixed. While some praise the quality and immersive experience, others are disappointed.

    A user on Reddit described the experience as “breathtaking” and highlighted the clarity and depth of the 8K image: “It feels like you’re really in the stadium. The details are incredible, and the 3D effects make the game even more exciting.” This sentiment is shared by many who praise the impressive image quality and new perspective.

    Yet, not everyone is so enthusiastic. Some users report technical issues and a less impressive experience. Some users noted that the video did not fully meet expectations: “The idea is great, but the execution leaves much to be desired. There are still many teething problems that need to be fixed.”

    Technical Challenges and Future Prospects

    Technical challenges are a common point of criticism. An article on pointed out that the Vision Pro still has some “magic tricks” to learn to reach its full potential. In particular, the stability of the software and user-friendliness could be improved.

    Nevertheless, many experts agree that the concept is promising. They emphasize that the Apple Vision Pro and similar technologies could represent the future of live sports if the technical hurdles are overcome: “The ability to experience games in 8K and 3D is a glimpse into the future. It remains to be seen how quickly this technology will evolve.”

    Conclusion 2.0

    The new immersive 3D video “2023 MLS Cup Highlights” for the Apple Vision Pro shows the enormous potential of this technology, even though there are still some challenges. The mixed user reviews reflect that Apple still needs to make some improvements to offer a truly convincing experience. Nevertheless, the Vision Pro is an important step towards a new era of live sports and virtual reality.

    With further updates and technical improvements, the Apple Vision Pro could fundamentally change how we experience sports. It will be exciting to see how this technology develops in the coming years!

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