
World Conference on VR Industry (WCVRI) China

19.10.2019 - 21.10.2019
Nanchang, China


In recent years, China’s VR industry has matured by further expanding into the consumer and enterprise markets and improving the value chain. 5G commercialization will fundamentally improve the VR experience and create new opportunities for the application of VR technologies in more fields. With the rapid development of each segment of the VR industry value chain, such as hardware manufacturing, research and development of content-oriented applications, and promotion of experience-based services, China is building its VR industry into one of the most dynamic environments for innovation and entrepreneurship, the highest market acceptance, and the greatest growth potential in the world.


Focusing on cutting-edge technologies, WCVRI 2019 in China strives to introduce the progress of China’s PR industry to the world and set trends for the development of the global PR industry by facilitating discussions on development paths, showcasing the latest results, promoting the popularization of applications, and creating a platform for exchanges to attract high-quality enterprises and projects to Jiangxi Province and promote new drivers for economic growth.

WCVRI Convention Theme


Following the guiding principles from President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter to WCVRI 2018 and key speeches during his visit to Jiangxi Province, WCVRI 2019 aims to seize the historic opportunity in the early stage of 5G commercialization and initiate discussions on how VR will be strengthened by more stable technologies, support more extensive application scenarios, and deliver a more colorful experience in the 5G era, focusing on the characteristics of today’s 5G-enabled VR industry development.

Convention Theme 5G

VR Adorns the World – VR + 5G for a New Era of Perception

World Conference on VR Industry 2019 Nanchang China


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